Valley Forge Minutemen 2008

Let us introduce you something that doesn’t come around very often. A group of hockey players and parents that stuck it out, together. For years. This group of players has seen some players come and go, but has been able to maintain its drive to see their goals to the finish line. Thus far they have seen:
3 AYHL Championships:
2018-19 Squirt Major
2020-21 PW Major
2021-22 Bantam Minor
1 AAHA District Champions:
2020-21 PW Major
This year they are battling for a three-peat for AYHL and 2nd in a row for the District. There was no District title for Bantam Minor last year.
This season the Minutemen 2008 team won the AYHL regular season and the AAHA District regular season earning a bye to the District Finals, March 10-12, 2023.
This team has battled hard for 5 years. They have struggled through broken bones, concussions, been battered and bruised. They have not given up. Their leadership hasn’t faltered. Let’s cheer them on, on their road to Nationals.
#VFMinutemen #vfmm #letsgominutemen